


学院保持与州和联邦法律一致的工作时间. 因为所执行的工作范围的性质不同, departmental guidelines determine employee scheduling needs and should be communicated to employees as part of their department orientation.   


学院实行两周和每月两周的工资周期. 非豁免雇员的工资周期为两周. The pay cycle for exempt (salaried) employees and salaried non-exempt including faculty is monthly.

学院的标准办公时间通常是周一至周五上午8:30.m. 直到下午5点.m. 作为一个为学生提供住宿服务的机构, there are many employees involved with the operations of the College that do not work these standard 公共汽车iness hours. 因为这个原因, 并符合适用的工资和工时法, the College-defined work week for purposes of calculating wages and overtime begins at 12:00:00 a.m. 星期一早上,到晚上11:59:59结束.m. 在星期天晚上.

For hourly paid employees, all hours worked will be paid in accordance with the defined work week. 学院要求报告所有的工作时间.  In the event an employee works a shift that begins in one workweek and ends in the next workweek, the employee’s wages will be allocated into work week periods based on the hours actually worked by the employee in each work week.


工作时间, meal breaks and rest periods vary according to operational need and are scheduled by the department head and/or supervisor. Departments that have “mandatory overtime/blackout” periods will provide staff with reasonable advance notice of this.

Employees who have been on restrictions or out of work due to a workplace injury are not eligible for overtime until they have been cleared by a doctor to do so.


Employees classified as exempt from overtime are expected to work as many hours as necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of their position. 通常, that is at least 40 hours per week for full-time employees and often more depending on the operational demands at the time. 按比例计算,这同样适用于非全日制雇员. Exempt employees who work beyond their “regular schedule” (including nights and weekends) are not entitled to additional compensation or compensatory time off.


Work-time is defined as all time spent by an employee performing activities which are job-related. 这包括员工的正常工作时间, 加上在工作相关的活动中花费的时间,这对雇主有利. 如果雇主“允许或允许”雇员去做,潜在的工作就是实际的工作. An employer suffers or permits work if it knows the employee is doing the work (or could have found out by looking), 让员工去做. 在家里或在正常工作地点以外的地方完成的工作是工作, 时间必须被计算(e).g. 查看和回复电子邮件,回电话). 其他有偿活动的例子是与工作相关的旅行, 在规定时间之外举行的会议或培训.  详细信息请参见下面的旅行时间工资.

学院不允许“加班”. Employees are expected to accurately report all hours worked on their official time record and seek approval from their supervisor if the need should arise to work hours above their regularly scheduled hours. Supervisors are accountable for authorizing hours worked beyond an employee’s regular schedule and for approving, 及时地, 所有工作时间按照学院工资表支付工资.


Supervisors who manage hourly paid staff should be aware of their regular schedules and appropriately plan overtime based on operational needs.  Hourly employees must track all hours worked each week and Prior supervisor approval is required before working over-time. Supervisors may ask their employees to work additional hours during particularly 公共汽车y times of the year and employees are expected to be flexible when these needs arise.

Essential non-exempt employees are those identified as having positions deemed necessary to maintain basic College operations during scheduled closures or unscheduled suspension of normal operations due to emergencies, 考虑事件或其他情况. Essential staff may not work more than two double shifts in a pay week and such shifts cannot be worked consecutively, 除非出现极端情况,例如宣布进入紧急状态. 例如, Security Officers may periodically fill in for a fellow officer and work two consecutive shifts for a total of 16 hrs. Check with your supervisor for clarification as needed regarding whether or not your position is essential.


When an hourly paid employee or salaried non-exempt employee is required to travel away from home overnight as part of their regular job duties, time spent traveling is counted as work time when it cuts across the employee's normal working hours, 包括非工作天的相应时数.  因此,如果一个员工经常从早上9点开始工作.m. 到5点.m. from Monday through Friday the travel time during these hours is work time on Saturday and Sunday as well as on the other days. 如果到达目的地后还有任何工作要做(e).g. 参加研讨会,会见客户,参加会议等.)那么花在工作活动上的时间就是有报酬的时间.  除非有工作进行,否则用餐时间不属于带薪时间. 如果没有工作活动, 一旦到达目的地,任何时间都不是工作时间,也不补偿. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations provide that any time outside those hours spent traveling as a passenger on an airplane, 火车, 船, 公共汽车, 或者开车不被认为是工作时间. (29 CPR第785条.39) If an employee is offered public transportation but requests permission to drive her car instead, 雇主可以将开车的时间计算在工作时间内, or the time that would have counted as hours worked if the employee had taken public transportation. (美国联邦法规29 CFR第785条.40)



Lunch breaks are scheduled by supervisors and may be staggered to provide adequate office/service coverage. Maine law requires that most employees be given at least a thirty-minute unpaid rest break (that may be a meal break) if they work 6 consecutive hours or longer. 在特殊情况下, an employee may voluntarily request that this meal break be waived in order to accommodate an alternative schedule. 如果主管批准, 员工和主管必须以书面形式记录替代时间表, 注意到这是自愿的,任何一方都可以随时终止.

上午和下午的带薪休息或休息时间不超过15分钟, 尽管州法律没有规定, 如果工作量允许,可以在主管的同意下进行吗. 未使用的休息时间不能累积起来供以后使用, 迟到或早退, 带薪休假, 或者是增量的. 在某些工作条件下(如.g.(如极热或极冷),更频繁的休息时间也可能得到主管的批准. 当操作能够支持中断时, 员工应该准时返回工作岗位. If not adhered to supervisors may deny the privilege of morning and afternoon breaks or an hourly employee may have their pay docked.

Bona fide meal periods (typically 30 minutes or more) generally need not be compensated as work time. 该员工必须完全解除工作,以便正常用餐. 如果员工被要求履行任何职责,员工不被解雇, 无论是活跃还是不活跃, 吃饭时.